Food in Schools

Resources to get locally grown food into school cafeterias. 

WSDA Farm to School

School food is so much more than just food on a tray. When we talk about school food we are touching on agriculture and economic development, public health and equity, community building and cooperation around achieving shared goals.  We are educating a generation of eaters and gardeners (farmers and food professionals, too), and we are providing these young people with tools and resources to feed and educate themselves and their communities.

USDA Farm to School Grant Program

USDA’s Farm to School Program is housed in the Food and Nutrition Service’s Office of Community Food Systems (OCFS). OCFS helps child nutrition program operators incorporate local foods in the National School Lunch Program and its associated programs, as well as the Summer Food Service Program and Child and Adult Care Food Program.

Farm-to-Cafeteria Connections

This handbook is designed to be a resource for farmers, food service professionals and community members in developing Farm-to-Cafeteria programs in Washington. It provides locally relevant information and an overall look at Farm-to-Cafeteria programs from all across the country. Much of the information provided in this handbook can be applied to serving locally produced foods at workplace cafeterias and private restaurants as well.

Selling to Schools 101

Washington State Department of Agriculture Farm to School Program aims to provide assistance and support links between local produce growers and Washington school districts. In this fact sheet, you will find the basics about the U.S. Department of Agriculture National School Lunch Program, tips to sell your products to school food service, and information about your role in educating our future generation about the importance of agriculture and healthy living.


Washington Harvest Posters from WSDA

Nutrition Education Cards

School student nutrition service employees are on the front line of food service for both education and marketing. They frequently know each child by name and have daily contact with the students. This training program was developed to assist nutrition services staff with understanding seasonality of fruits and vegetables and their nutritional value or role in agriculture and to provide a simple, hospitable way to share this information with students.